Reopening Information

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that senior centers could reopen beginning September 21, 2020 if the facilities could meet certain safety standards. The Ohio Department of Aging (ODA) recently published these standards and based upon these required guidelines which must be met in order to reopen, it has been determined that Senior Centers, Inc. will not be able to reopen right now. An estimated date of reopening is not available at this time.

More time and resources are needed to meet the standards, as released by ODA in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), which include COVID testing of all senior center staff and volunteers at least once every other week, pre-screening of all clients and staff over the phone prior to entering the center, limited occupancy within the center and increased cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing.

The safety of our clients and staff is our focus during planning for reopening. Temperature checks, screening phone calls, proper handwashing, social distancing and mask wearing will become part of welcoming clients back to the center. During the past few months, many activities and services have switched to being handled over the phone or through email. This may be expanded to include Zoom or Facebook Live events…more information on this will be shared soon. Things may look different than before the closing in March, but the mission and purpose of providing excellent service remains. We miss seeing your faces!

Senior Centers, Inc. will continue working with the ODA, ODH, Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio and the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department to develop a safe plan to reopen.

Any Lucas County resident age 60 and older with questions should contact Senior Centers, Inc. at 419-242-9511 or email Information is also available on the Senior Centers, Inc. Facebook page.